Can sales and marketing team perform together?

A lot of say that there’s a rivalry between sales and marketing departments. But, frankly speaking, it’s not in the real world. Sales are marketing teams are the ones backing company’s success having it all under plan. Marketing team is promoting the products/services and sales team is fetching leads for the company. Thus, can sales and marketing team perform together never comes into the question.
What is the difference between Sales and marketing department
Sales department
In the simple words, we can say that, sales department is concerned with selling the company’s products or services. Whereas, there’s a direct contact between them and the customer.
Marketing department
On the other hand, marketing department, promotes the newly launched, already existing or any other products which requires advertising, are handles by marketing department. In case of marketing department, it is not always they have direct contact with the customer, but they do customer engagement activities using social media.
Even though both teams are different from each other, they are handled by the human being. Unncessary clashes may happen at times, but these can be stopped using following methods;
How to make sales and marketing team perform together?
A) Appreciation
Appreciating each and every person of the both teams can be really helpful in managing the teams. It is a human nature to perform more once they are appreciated enough. Of course, being a human being , hearing some good words can bring positive change in the work culture.
B) Engagement activities
During the break times, or even weekly engagements activities between sales and marketing department is necessary to reduce the tension and appreciate some freedom. Doing this, will help to understand the other person’s nature in the team, thus becomes familiar with each other.
C) Challenges
To some extent, challenging the team for small but daily targets can bring healthy competition between teams. Which will also result into increase in sales and marketing activities. It is necessary, that challenges should be controllable and should lead to any unwanted activities in the office premises.
D) Strategic management
On the official levels, proper planning of day to day activities between these two department is necessary as to increase the performance and reduce the stress levels.
E) Free culture
Having a free culture in the office is a boon to the employees. They tend to perform well in such scenarios. This increases the productivity, less errors and more profit in terms of the company.
Competition, rivalry is common in the office departments. Everyone thinks that they are the base for the company. But frankly, any of the department in the organisation has equal importance with everyone else. No marketing team succeeds without sales team, and no sales team can increase leads without marketing team. When it comes to managing day to day businesses, a company must consider that, the person who is working for them is a human being, who shall be nurtured to help company grow. Employees are the ones looking after the clients. Thus, employees should be taken care of at all costs.